Instagram is becoming more and more popular, especially among young users. Optimize your appearance on Instagram and build a closer relationship with your customers.
Our actions will help you get more subscribers and increase your reach on Instagram.
If you do not use Instagram yet, think why!
We support companies in the planning, implementation, continuous monitoring and optimization of Instagram marketing activities:
- Setup of the Instagram Business Page
- Development & consulting of an Instagram marketing strategy
- Takeover of the content creation (posting)
- Researching your potential target group
- Creating advertisements
- Setup & optimization of Instagram marketing campaigns
- Monitoring and evaluation of advertising measures
- Setup Instagram Shopping
Instagram is particularly exciting for the e-commerce business, as the platform’s strong visual focus is ideal for product presentations.
This allows shops and brands to build a loyal community. In addition, Instagram also offers all other companies various possibilities for increasing brand awareness with the help of content marketing, and especially for reaching the target group with high purchasing power.
The Instagram feed should be high quality and visually consistent. We at Massive Marketing are happy to support you with our competent Instagram consulting services:
We help you to create the appropriate visual language for Instagram in accordance with your CI/CD and your corporate values.
To successfully operate an Instagram Profile or Instagram Marketing, several key elements must be considered:
- A basic Instagram marketing strategy
- High quality photos and videos
- Professional Community Management
- Well-placed and well-designed Instagram ads
- Influencer marketing
- Instagram Analytics
How to position your company or brand on Instagram? How to use Instagram Shopping successfully? Who is your target group and what goals do you want to achieve?
We discuss these and other questions in a strategy workshop to develop a targeted marketing strategy for your business needs.
High-quality and convincing content in the form of image and video content attracts the attention of the community and stimulates increased interaction.
No matter whether in the stories, on IGTV or in the Instagram feed: The focus is on the visual appearance of the brand.
We help you to develop and produce the right content so that the individual posts contribute to your marketing goals and also visually match your Instagram appearance.
Instagram is also about actively interacting with the target audience and following relevant reports to achieve greater visibility.
We help you to intensify the dialogue with (potential) customers and fans and to interact with them in a targeted manner. We answer comments and news from your community in a timely and professional manner and react in time.
Are you planning Instagram ads or do you want to develop a complete campaign in which Instagram should be an integral part? We can help you target your audience specifically and get the most out of your campaign budget.
Instagram is one of the most important channels in influencer marketing. We help you to build the right influencer marketing strategy and connect you with the relevant influencers for your business, be it for long term relationships, influencer campaigns or events.
A strategic Instagram appearance includes the regular evaluation of the marketing strategy. We regularly provide you with the relevant figures to measure success, give you an overview of the learnings and show you recommendations for action.